Hi @MingboPeng
I use the Ironbug to build a VAV system. In the schedule settings, I select Mon-Fri true and Sat-Sun False. from the node results I got, the weekend is still on. the value input is 24 numbers.
I can’t find the reason. Thank you in advance.
Hi @Congrui
Have you checked the output of your ScheduleRule with a panel? If it looks correct, have you also checked the osm file in OpenStudioApp?
Here is what I found: there seems an issue with your toggle for the weekend, which might also affect the results. You will have to set it to False in order to really apply the parameters to the ScheduleRule.
Hi @MingboPeng
Thank you for your quick answer, I set the same as yours, also looked into Openstudio, the schedule is set to VAV no Reheat. I also read the node airflow, weekend is not included.
hi @MingboPeng ,
As I told you today, this is a long-standing problem.I have pushed you the detailed content on the issue, and it is very good that I see you have reopened this content.
Issue #90
Thank you all @ZhengrongTao @Congrui,
I think I am able to locate the source of the issue. Mainly it is because in the case when you set a name to the schedule and used the same schedule in several places. I am working on it now.
This is fixed in fix(IB_ScheduleRuleset): improve getting existing schedule in ToOS() · MingboPeng/Ironbug@97e2169 (github.com)
Here is a test gh file and a generated osm file. A new version of Ironbug should be ready in an hour. Please let me know if this update works as expected on your machine.
schTest.gh (17.0 KB)
test.osm (10.6 KB)
hi @MingboPeng ,
After my testing, this problem has been solved in Ironbug1.9.6, thank you for your efforts!