What is the requirement for mesh in Honeybee (failed example attached)

I’m trying to use LB/HB to analyze the effect of tree canopy to the environment around ground.

  • When using simple BREP, things went well.
  • When using the HB_planarize_Brep analyzation also works.
  • When using default Rhino’s mesh, things doesn’t work.
  • When using my customized mesh (created from convex hull points), things doesn’t work.

And as my mesh is a direct export from a plugin I wrote, I cannot convert it to Brep, and then using HB’s meshing plugin to make it work.

The things that confused me a lot is what is “correct” mesh format for HB Shade? I know it is related to the meshing quality, but it seems I cannot find any guidance anywhere…


Rhino’s Brep-Mesh

*HB-planarize-Brep - Mesh"

My exported Mesh (two version)

Hi @xarthurx, this doesn’t answer the question exactly but have you tried the rhino command MeshToNURB it will turn your meshed geom into breps which you said were working well for you. if you try it this way don’t forget to MergeAllCoplanarFaces after you MeshToNURB otherwise you get a ton of faces.

before MeshToNURB

after MergeAllCoplanarFaces

Hopefully thats somewhat helpful

Hi Thanks.
This sometimes works, but it will break my automated workflow where everything is done in GH.

The point is, when HB claimed to accept mesh as input, it seems never worked on mesh on my side.

I searched through the documentation and the forum, and cannot find a working example that taking mesh as a input to the HB Shade Component.

Is there any HB developer here?

Similar Issue here:

OK. Interesting…
After I updated to v1.8, then everything is fine now…