When I calculate EUI does the program assume a heating/cooling system?

Hi, I’m designing the facade of an office building through multi-objective optimization. One of my goals is EUI (energy use intensity). I have set the schedules and temperature setpoints, but it is not clear to me whether when the program calculates the EUI it also assumes a system.
In that case where can I see its features?


I believe the question is not simply a ‘yes or no’ matter.

In fact, the areas in question are set to use an ‘ideal air system,’ which is not a real-world air conditioning system. The function of an Ideal Loads Air System is to ‘calculate how much heat or cold in different parts of the space has been adjusted,’ or in other words, the load. This type of model assumes unlimited heating and cooling capacity and does not take into account equipment efficiency or fan energy consumption.

Therefore, calculating EUI in this manner, without specifying a realistic HVAC system, would lack practical significance.



To add to @ZhengrongTao, if you’re not investigating system options, then rather than using EUI it might be better to change your energy related objective to Sensible Heating & Cooling demand (this approach is used for a couple of rating systems in the UK).

For that I’d recommend applying the ideal air system, turning off any ventilation and heat recovery and demand control ventilation, and setting heating and cooling efficiencies to 1.

Does it make sense to use EUI if I am studying passive strategies for the external envelope?
That is, knowing how energy needs change by adopting a passive strategy such as the positioning of sunshadings?