When working with python - unexpected keyword argument 'closed'

I am trying to replicate the simple chart form the pollination example in VSCode. Running into following problem

Exception has occurred: TypeError
DatetimeArray._generate_range() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘closed’
File “C:\Users\r.bovbjerg\Desktop\SimpleChart\SimpleChart.py”, line 11, in
figure = epw.dry_bulb_temperature.heat_map()
TypeError: DatetimeArray._generate_range() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘closed’

Would anyone have an idea of what is the problem?

Hi @Ronja,

Are you using the Pollination python.exe as the interpreter?

I believe all the LBT code is versioned to python 3.7, and hopefully using that python environment will also solve any versioning issues

It looks like they have renamed the closed argument to inclusive. Changing these lines in ladybug_charts/_to_dataframe.py should fix this issue. Add an exception to catch the TypeError.