Where do the Ladybug Tools Building Programs come from?

Dear @chris and @mostapha

Thank you for developing this great tool. I was wondering if there is any pdf file or document includes default program details for different type of buildings which you used for the programs in Ladybug tools. Since I used the default program I wanted to reference to that document in my paper and report in which I need to explain in detail.

Thank you

Hi @Mariafa ,

We get this question a lot and you will find answers if you search on this forum but I’m glad you asked it because I have not written the full chain of sources in a while:

The Programs in Ladybug Tools are contained in the:

Honeybee-Energy-Standards Python Package

… which is what you have on your machine when you are using Ladybug Tools. These Programs are parsed directly from the Space Types in the:

OpenStudio Standards Gem

… that is maintained by the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL). Specifically, they all come from the ASHRAE 90.1 space types in the OpenStudio standards gem or (if they are before 2004), they come from the CBECS space types.

The Space Types in the OpenStudio Standards Gem are taken from the:

Prototype Models of the US Dept. of Energy Commercial Reference Buildings.

… and my understanding is that these commercial reference buildings were derived from observations of real buildings and the building stock in the US. The reference buildings are updated with each version of ASHRAE-90.1 to reflect buildings designed to those standards (and to account for things like the fact that plug loads have been growing in recent decades). So the commercial reference buildings would be the primary source with the other two being secondary and tertiary sources.