Anyone got any idea why this fails?
From what I know, I am feeding a mesh into the node:
Meshes are already subdivided into faces and so subdividing them again doesn’t make much sense. You can convert the meshes into Breps, which you can plug into that component and then that might be meaningful. Or maybe you just want to get the face centorids of the mesh that you already have?
It’s hard to know what you are trying to accomplish here without more context.
Sorry about the late reply.
I was just following a tutorial on youtube by Aussie Bim Guru bimguru
He deconstructs a mesh, then reconstructs it to get an even distribution of points, as I understand it. Where my Generate Points Grid fails, his succed, its at 27.54 in the video.
Hi @Falk ,
Sorry that I probably should have taken a closer look at the error message. I thought I had written the component in a way that it works only with Breps but you are right that it originally worked with Meshes as well. McNeel just made a change to Rhino SDK that broke the component for this case of Meshes. I fixed the issue yesterday and more info is on this thread: