Windrose - Analysis Period Error ("not subscriptable") (417.2 KB)

Hello everyone!

I’m trying to only analyze data from only July and August with my wind rose, but the analysis period crashes the wind rose component when it’s connected and I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. The wind rose seems to work perfectly fine when the analysis period component isn’t connected, so I know I’m doing something incorrect.

I’ve tried connecting hoys and dates to the wind rose component instead, but it always says that the input data is “not subscriptable”

Thanks in advance for all of the help!
I hope everyone is having a good day,

You are mixing Legacy with LBT. Use the analysis period of Legacy.

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Thanks for the help A! So I’m using the LBT analysis period component (which is incorrect), and I need to use the Legacy analysis period component? How do I use the analysis period of legacy?

Thanks again for the help!

Oh! It’s starting to make sense now. So will the analysis period component work with the new wind rose component since they’re both 1.1.0? Do I just need to swap the old wind rose for the new 1.1.0 version? Sorry I’m such a noob, but I sincerely appreciate the help A! I’ll report back in a bit after I’ve tested it


Ok I just swapped all the components for the 1.1.0 versions and that seemed to work!

Thank you for the help A!! This was my first ever post, and I wasn’t expecting to get help let alone a solution on the same day of my post (and just a few hours afterwards at that!)

Thanks a million, I hope you have a good week!