Workflow Validation: detached shade

Hi all,
I’m researching outdoor thermal comfort and climate adaptation measures in cities. For the research i’ve been looking into shade sails as adaptive measures which has included using Honeybee to simulate different shade materials effect on mean radiant temperature. To do this i’ve been modelling the shade canopy as a room (canopy as roof) with open windows for all walls and floor as the surrounding ground material.

I had some promising results when comparing the resulting Honeybee surface temperatures with measured data (see previous posts here: Simulating Free-standing objects - #8 by sineadn) but i think the workflow needs more validation to be reliable.

Can anyone suggest a non experimental method to validate the workflow? Would there be an analytical approach that can work? I thought about calculating the surface temperature of the canopy where both canopy and ground are infinite planes and its only one dimensional heat transfer, any thoughts?

Thanks in advance

I’m no expert on the topic but I think you can use CFD as another method to model the face temperature on the surface.

thanks for the suggestion Mostapha, i’ll look into it.