You should first let Ladybug and Honeybee fly…

Hi, I have the Rhino 7 and downloaded Ladybug and Honeybee according to the matric which are 1.7.0. I needed to cınduct artificial lighting analysis so added the legacy versions which are Ladybug 0.0.69 and Honeybee 0.0.66 [Legacy Plugins]. But I keep getting that “You should first let Ladybug and Honeybee fly…” warning and couldn’t solve it.
First tried to download the older versions of the Legacy versions. However It asked me to update it to work. After update I got that warning and couldn’t solve.

Thank you in advance

I also checked the radiance file and it is the “C:\Radiance” folder

for the legacy tools to work you need to drop Ladybug.Ladybug and Honeybee.Honeybee into the canvas, so all the classes are created.

I did that but still got that issue

these are just warnings.
Radiance and Daysim are installed and found according to your screenshot.

You don’t need Openstudio or other engines to do your study as I understand your task.

Okay it is solved. Thank you so much for your quick response @Byron :slight_smile:

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