I blame Chris for pointing me to this new and unknown world.
The result will be a possible rampage of questions to all you wonderful people! This one has to do with the above mentioned object in E+. According to the E+ I/O reference the implementation is something like this:
ZoneAirContaminantBalance, Yes, !- Carbon Dioxide Concentration
Outdoor CO2 Schedule, !- Outdoor Carbon Dioxide Schedule Name
Yes, !- Generic Contaminant Concentration
Generic Contaminant Schedule; !- Outdoor Generic Contaminant Schedule
It seems that can be an easy way to get a quite useful information on building performance (CO2 concentration in your zones).
However, and since I have never used the additional strings in HB, I would welcome your advice on the additional string below. Would something like this be enough? I apologize I cannot test it atm on this computer.
ZoneAirContaminantBalance, Yes, !- Carbon Dioxide Concentration
Default outdoor CO2 levels 400 ppm, !- Outdoor Carbon Dioxide Schedule Name
No; !- Generic Contaminant Concentration
Default outdoor CO2 levels 400 ppm, !- Name
Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00, !- Field 3
400 ; !- Field 4
Output:Variable, *, !- Key Value
Zone Air Carbon Dioxide Concentration, !- Variable Name
timestep; !- Reporting Frequency
Also, is anyone aware of the accuracy of this object? I am guessing it should include air extraction and/or MV?