Dear all,
I was running 5-phase in HB+ for the first time (starting from example file and then a project). However I found some errors while testing.
Downloaded from Github example files for Honeybee[+], I cannot run the file 11 and 12 for 5-phase method. Radiance 5.2 official release installed, Honeybee[+] updated from Github. The error message is also mentioned in this post: 1. Solution exception:Failed to load total results for window_group [1], state[0] for hour 0.0. ‘tuple’ object does not support item assignment. As mentioned in this post, this issue will be fixed in the next release and is caused by “the initial values are saved as tuple and not list”.
So I moved on to 3-Phase test. The example files work well. And I only have 1 window group with 2 states. 3-Phase should work if I don’t need accurate spatial resolution. It would be really helpful if anyone can comment on “what is accurate spatial resolution”!
But no matter I connect 3-phase or 5-phase recipe, I noticed that in the cmd window it shows “fatal - unexpected EOF in header” at step 2. matrix multiplication [1/3] and [2/3], screenshot below:
And in the end of the run, the RunRadiance failed to load empty result file. In result folder, direct…scene…default (5-phase), scene…default (5-phase and 3-phase), and total…scene…default (5-phase and 3-phase) are all empty files.
Any advice or suggestions about this issue would be much appreciated! Thanks!