We are thrilled to announce the launch of our “Wind Pressure Coefficients-integrated Building Energy Modeling” workflow. This innovative tool allows you to seamlessly integrate EDDY3D simulated wind pressure coefficients into building energy models created with Ladybug Tools.
This workflow is designed to help researchers and practitioners estimate the impact of local wind, influenced by contextual urban forms, on naturally and mixed mode-ventilated buildings. Additionally, it enables users to assess the ventilation potential of buildings, taking into account features such as courtyards, shades, and other architectural elements.
Important Notes:
Prerequisites: We recommend users familiarize themselves with the fundamentals of CFD and EnergyPlus Air flow Network (AFN) engineering before using this workflow. Understanding these concepts can provide valuable insights into project-specific limitations.
Compatibility: Our workflow is currently compatible only with Rhino 7. As we are developing plugins exclusive to Rhino 7, we will upgrade to Rhino 8 in due course.
This workflow redevelopment and launch have been made possible through funding from the European COST Action on Positive Energy Districts (CA 19126) under the virtual mobility grant. Special thanks to @chris, @mostapha, and Patrick Kastner for their timely support. We are immensely grateful for the support from my supervisor, Prof. Jonathan Natanian, Prof. Maria-Beatrice Andreucci, and Dr. Marco Delli Paoli.
Lastly, I apologize for the delay in preparing and launching this workflow. I must confess that I spent a lot of energy convincing reviewers and editors of multiple journals about the importance of using building near-surface microclimate data to estimate building performance potential and strategies. Moving forward, I plan to publish workflows like these in SCI and Scopus-indexed conferences and make them available for everyone’s use immediately. The next set of workflows I am planning will focus on simulating building energy performance considering near-surface microclimate data generated from ENVI-Met. Please do not forget to cite our open access article related to the workflow launch.
Hi @Naga. Great work. I was trying your script but I found that cylindrical domain of Eddy3d is throwing error as mentioned here. Can you please notify eddy3d developers to look into it!
The same version in the script amd the new version too. Both threw the same error. It was working in March this year. This issue happened just a couple of month before with cylindrical domain.
U are using and I used components of Eddy3d. As mentioned in manual you can replace with your version of components making sure that the connections are as is.
I did exactly the same thing, replaced all components. In the latest version of eddy 3d only the cylindrical domain simulations are failing. Rectangular domain is working correctly.
I have informed Patrick about the issue and forwarded him the issue you raised in the forum. Currently, they are working on few updates and you may receive the response soon.
Fascinating. And timely. Is the reason you are using Rhino 7 that Eddy3D wind pressure template does not work with Rhino 8? I ask because when i tried Eddy3D a few months back the air pressure te.plate did not work. It seemed like it had not been updated for at least a couple of years?
Currently, we are using Morpho for another research and it is not compactible with Rhino 7. Otherwise, EDDY3D is good, at least the versions and which I worked on. Is there a specific error?
Text is “The ‘items’ start tag on line 50 position 16 does not match the end tag of ‘item’. Line 60, position 19.”
Which suggests there is a simple edit (probably just addition of an extra s on a variable name?) that could be done on the script, but of course I cannot edit the script itself.
Somewhat frustrating to see what looks to be a simple error and to read your workflow, whi h is a subset of what my PhD student did a couple of years ago.
Thanks @Naga . for sharing this workflow i tried to use Cp value from EDDy3d and add it manually in Energyplus using IDF editor before , but this one will help to simplify the process and very helpful .
is this script works only for the latest ladybug and eddy version or it could work with older ones . i tried to open but it seem that thier is a missing component in one of the clusters i cann’t access