Annual Daylight Glare Probability for multiple Test_points

I wanted to see if I could replicate Nathaniel’s annual tutorial with the rays file “screenviews.ray” (32 views) using HB[+]. Below is the occupied GA for the views. The red is from HB[+] and the blue is from Nathaniel’s tutorial. It seems promising but I did not test it further.

I used identical Radiance parameters for each run - but since I copied the DC gridbased recipe and built on that, HB[+] also writes other parameters that are not included in Nathaniel’s tutorial. For the 1 ab matrix HB[+] uses the blacked geometry.

Below is the sample Grasshopper script. (495.2 KB)

Below is the Python script (“imagelessglare” folder), which must be placed here: (8.6 KB)

Below is the files that HB[+] writes.