Butterfly: Runtime Error(Win32Exception): Windows Error

Hi @thomas.wortmann, I have the same issue you’ve talked about but it doesn’t work for me…
Still, I have a doubt. When you say:

Changing line 45 in runmanager_bluecfd.py to the below solves the problem for me:

self._project_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'butterfly', self._project_name)

in my runmanager_bluecfd.py file I find as follow (from #line41 to #line49):

assert os.name == ‘nt’, “Currently RunManager is only supported on Windows.”
self._blue_folder = butterfly.config[‘of_folder’]
self._env = bcfdenv(self._blue_folder)
self._project_name = project_name
self._project_folder = r’c:\Users{}\butterfly{}’.format(
os.getenv(‘USERNAME’), self._project_name)
self.log_folder = ‘./log’
self.errFolder = ‘./log’
self._process = None

I’ve never written any Python script before, but it seems to me that #line45 and #line46 are strictly related and I am wondering which line I do really need to replace.

( I’ve been talking about this in this post: Block Mesh not running )

Thanks in advance,