When I was run honeybee sample file named comfort-mapping. It can run successfully. But I want to load temperature data. But the Read Thermal Matrix button turn red: 1. Solution exception:Could not find file ‘C:\Users\123\simulation\sample_model_grid\utci_comfort_map\results\temperature\TestRoom_1.csv’.
When I go to the folder above. There is info and npy file, But no csv file.
The other Thermal Map button have the same issue. They all run perfectly. But do not generate csv file.
Please try to update the core libraries by using LB Versioner. Leave the version_ input empty and add a boolean toggle to _update. Close and open Rhino and run the sample file again.
Thanks for the quick response. I have follow your guidance and the LB Versioner button says update successfully. But it still do not generate csv file. All the LB component are now 1.8 .0version. Some of are 1.8.1 version.