“DF RUN URBANopt error”:Solution exception:The URBANopt simulation failed to run.No results were found at: C: \ Users \ HP \ simulation \ kkpp\ run \ honeybee scenario

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the late reply here and thanks for posting, @huloujun , @samustpon , and @Geo_curious , so that I can provide the answer.

This issue is not because you have done anything wrong in your model setup or your installation.

There was a breaking change to one of the external ruby gems that used by URBANopt, which has essentially broken the URBANopt simulation for all users no matter the version of Dragonfly or URBANopt.

In any event, I have pushed a patch a few days ago:

If you run the LB Versioner and restart Rhino, you can get a version of the software with the patch. You may also need to manually delete your old URBANopt project folder before running the new simulation just to make sure that the ruby gem with the breaking change is not there.