Hi all,
I know it may be a silly question, but is there any component calculating the energy consumed by domestic hot water usage?
Thank you in advance!
Do you need a component for this, is it not enough to calculate the power to raise the temperature about 50 degrees C and maby some pump energy?
Hi Max,
Thank you for your reply.
For the simplicity of the calculation, the answer is not.
But for curiosity, I tried to find one in HB because as far as I know, the ARCHSIM has this function.
Use the “Ladybug_Residential Hot Water” and “Ladybug_Commercial Public Apartment Hot Water” components from Ladybug’s “4 | Renewables” tab. You need the output “heatingLoadPerHour” in kWh.
Modify its inputs to accommodate your building type.
Attached is an example definition.
DHW_consumption.gh (399.0 KB)
Hi everyone!
I have a question : does Honeybee HVACs and OpenStudio simulation includes service water heating or just building heating?
It might sound like a silly question but there are differences in the US and Polish terminology for some systems.
By service water heating I mean : heating the water for use in sinks, taps, bath and so on…
Thanks for help in advance if anyone find my question here!
Legacy Honeybee will never support Service Hot Water but I am planning to add it into the LBT Plugin before the next stable release in another month or so.