For those people who love envimet, I am happy to share some new components with you!
As of today. Dragonfly now contains capabilities to export to envimet and this should make your envimet modeling phases a lot easier.
These new components are based on lb_envimet project and this release boasts a number of improvements. The available capabilities of this first official release are:
Modeling 3D buildings with Grasshopper to generate ENVI_MET model areas
Great this tool is improving. This new release solved a couple of the problems I had with the prior releases. I notice however there is no terrain tool this time? Prior tools had a terrain and ‘ENVImet building cutter’ projecting the buildings on a sloped terrain.
That is great. Do you have an idea of a timeline? I am in the middle of something and in doubt how to proceed. It comes down to trying to solve the problems I have with the last iteration with terrain tools, or wait for terrain to be added to this last set of tools.
Hi Antonello, great work you’re doing with ENVImet GH integration…
I was wondering where I can get the updated ENVI_met GH components,and was also wondering if there will be / is an option to run the ENVI_met simulation directly from GH… and perhaps then it would be possible to run some iterations on it (which will take considerable time, but still)
I followed the installation instructions, and also used Update Dragonfly component. I do have some ENVImet components in Ladybug but not all, Envi-Met Main SIM settings and other components are missing…
That could have been great… other possibility will be to automatically generate a SIMfile for each iteration, and hope that Envi-Met can automatically run the simulation for a series of these files. I will ask the developers.