Hello there,
I hope you are pretty well.
I have a problem running Dragonfly URBANopt engine. In a project, with different buildings, the simulation was working but suddenly got stopped for hours. For the buildings where the simulation is not complete, find the attached screenshot of the run log text.
When this happened, I decided to run a sample URBANopt simulation of that 13 buildings example. The system got stuck and stopped running. Please find the screenshot of the CMD windows.
I uninstall everything and remove all the LB components carefully from my system and re-install Pollination again.
The problem of the URBANopt still exists, and it does not work.
I tried to test the openstudio engine. I noticed that in the new version of the Pollination, the openstudio will be installed on the ladybug_tools folder and all the requirements software. I tried to run an example simulation of single-family house energy and it failed. The attached picture shows the command window where the system stopped.
I tried to install openstudio 3.7.0 by myself in the LB directory and I set its path to my environment. The outcome did not change and I still receive the above details in my CMD.
Would you kindly let me know what I should do?
I have a bit of time constraints for finalizing the simulation of a paper.
I carefully deleted all the software included the ones related to the ladybug-tools + openstudio + EnergyPlus + Pollination Plugin(for this plugin I used forced uninstallation using Uninstaller Wizard programs because, in the normal way, I was not able to uninstall that) and cleaned all of the registry key produced by these software (via Uninstaller programs) and cleaned entire history of Rhino.
Then I installed Ladybug Tools itself using the files in the FoodforRhino website. Now all the engines are working without a problem. But I do not have IronBug at the moment.
One thing that I faced was that the URBANopt engine that I was using Ladybug tools with was way faster than the one when I used Pollination installation. I use the exact same cores and the same simulation file.
To run the simulation on an external SSD I follow these points I have found
However, I found that in the new Pollination Plugins, all the related applications such as Openstudio, EnergyPlus, Radiance, etc,. will be automatically installed in the installation directory of the ladybug_tools.
I’m sorry that you didn’t get a response to this until now but I’m glad to hear that you seem to have figured it out.
The message in the first screenshot that you posted is not related to simulation performance or getting stuck or anything like that. It’s just one of the many (largely unhelpful) warnings that OpenStudio gives. Your simulation would still be running fine given that you’re running it with a TMY weather file. The second screenshot is just showing you that URBANopt is in the middle of running your simulation. So it’s also not an error.
Your URBANopt simulation performance can be affected by many different things but the Ladybug Tools on Food4Rhino is the same as the Ladybug Tools that is distributed through Pollination. Granted, they both rely on you installing URBANopt separately so, assuming that you also matched the URBANopt version between your two installations, I don’t think you can really explain the difference in performance through the way you installed Ladybug Tools.
On the face of it, what you are describing sounds a lot like your machine was running out of Memory/RAM when you were running the first simulation. When you ran it again at a different time, you maybe didn’t have as many other processes running and you therefore did not max out your memory. For example, I know Google Chrome uses a lot of my machine’s memory and so I sometimes close it if I’m trying to conserve memory for a simulation.
Maxing out memory can often have the effect of appearing like your simulation is moving so slowly that it has ground to a halt. I recommend checking your Memory usage in the task manager next time you run a simulation so that you can be aware if you have maxed out your memory and recognize that the simulation will take a lot longer because of it: