Enjoy free access to Ladybug Tools on-demand videos for meaningful distraction!

Hi, Mr Mostapha, how are you ? Hope that the epidemic will pass sooner and fewer casualties .
Yes , I have 1 question: is it any possible to see the " #2 Parametric Daylight Modeling with Honeybee" by promo code ? I forgot to make it ,just now “week 3 [#3]” has made it already. So if possible to made the “week 2” by promo code ,please tell me. Thank you so much ! God bless you and your family friends .

Warm regards :grin:

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Hi Mostapha,
thanks for the excellent initiative, unfortunatly the promo cod is not anymore valid, is it possible to extend the access by few days
" #2 Parametric Daylight Modeling with Honeybee


hi,Mostapha,I can’t log in to vimeo at all since week 1,I sincerely hope I can see the video!

Hi Mostapha, Thank you so much for making these videos free during this time. I’ve been learning a lot from them.

Thank you!!

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hi im from iran , i cant access to video 5 , is it free yet? does it have a promo code?

The video 5 will be available in two weeks. We will make video #4 available this week.

You should contact Vimeo if you have issues with logging in to your Vimeo account.

We have to stick to our original plan and release one video every week.

Hi Mostapha, thank you so much for these videos. I have recently read your paper “A New Approach to Modeling Frit Patterns for Daylight Simulation” and I was wondering if you have any videos on getting started with daylight analysis with Frit Modeling?

hi mr.roudsari, i have same problem.
I’ll be grateful for access #2 video.
thank you so much.

Hey Mostapha, This is Parth here…
Can you please provide the free access to 1,2 and 3 video series of this tutorial sequence. I left to purchase first 3 within the time range you provided due to inaccessibility of Internet connectivity.
I will be very thankful to you.

Hi Mr Roudsari, I have problem with watching #2 your learning video,is it possible

Hi Mostapha!
It says that promocode is not valid anymore. Is today, Sunday, included in the week period, or you’ll need to pump up the number of users? Thank you in advance!

Hi @Mohamed_Amer, it should work until the end of the day today for video #4. Can you try again now?

Thank you @mostapha !
Yes it is working now !

Thank you @mostapha for the opportunity with these videos. It is much appreciated!

I’ve watched the presentation at Foster+Partners, and I also have seen soooo many research articles on science direct that using ladybug tools. The toolsets have already become widely used and made us many designers and reseachers ‘smarter’! Thank you Mostapha and all other guys for this great contribution to the architectural field!!


you are great man really thanks
Could you please reopen the third week because the forth one depends on the third??
Unfortunately, this post was not discovered until after the third week has ended

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Good job! keep up the good things. Thank you.

Is the promo down? Couldn’t get this. I am just new to ladybug and I was willing to broad my knowledge in it :frowning:

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