HB cooling and heating schedule

I would like to schedule the heating and cooling on/off.

I have decided to use the VRF system type of HeatCool HVAC Templates in reference to this.

However, I cannot find any schedule settings for heating and cooling on/off.

In Figure 1, Idealair, heat_avail and cool_avail is present and can be set to turn on or off heating and cooling. Not in HeatCool HVAC(2).

The component in Figure 3 allows setting values, but is there a way to set on/off?


the _type_limit_ input is what you are looking for I believe.

from the docstring also has some more information, I’ve attached below

_type_limit_: A text string from the identifier of the ScheduleTypeLimit to
            be looked up in the schedule type limit library. This can also be a
            custom ScheduleTypeLimit object from the "HB Type Limit" component.
            The input here will be used to validate schedule values against
            upper/lower limits and assign units to the schedule values. Default:
            "Fractional" for values that range continuously between 0 and 1.
            Choose from the following built-in options:
                * Fractional
                * On-Off
                * Temperature
                * Activity Level
                * Power
                * Humidity
                * Angle
                * Delta Temperature
                * Control Level

HB Apply Room Schedules will allow you to apply schedules for setpoints rather than single values

Thanks for your reply.

I don’t know where to connect the schedules for that component.
setpoint_sch seems to only be able to set the temperature.

(1. Solution exception:Heating Setpoint schedule should be in Temperature units. Got a schedule of unit_type Dimensionless.)

Please tell me where to connect it.

OH this sounds like setpoint schedule must be a temperature, we may not be able to use on/off for the setpoint schedule. It looks like I was incorrect about this that is my mistake.

Any help would be much appreciated!
If anyone knows, please let me know.

Using Ironbug would give you a much finer level of detail and allow to specify equipment availability schedules which I think you might be after if I’m not mistaken. There is also a template for VRF+DOAS. a tutorial series on using ironbug can be found here

Thanks for your reply.

I tried ironbug.(No detailed settings.)
However, the heating and cooling load is not calculated.
Ideally, I would like to set it to produce a value similar to the VRF of the HB.

Please let me know if you know where to correct this.

Supplementary information,
I want to create a room air conditioner for home use.
However i can’t find the corresponding templates.
So I decided to use this as a reference to set up a VRF.
If you know of a better way(HB and ironbug etc) than this, please let me know.

The component in Figure 3 allows setting values, but is there a way to set on/off?

Maybe just setting your setpoint values unrealistically high or low, so they never turn on your HVAC system, could work? E.g. heating for -20°C and cooling for 99°C for those hours where you don’t need them:

setpt_setb_cheat.gh (8.8 KB)

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I will try that method.

Thank you!