Honeybee and LNBLWindow & BSDF

Hi guys,

Was wondering if the idea, more like a request actually, is doable.

Is there a way there can be a link honeybee to LNBL Window, so that we can extract transmittance values or even just add specific and real models and their properties from there?

Kind regards,


Perhaps try going the other way . . .

Make a construction in WINDOW 6, then, from WINDOW 6 create a BSDF, then simulate the BSDF with Honeybeee…

The BSDF is the link for optical properties

No that’s actually the way I was thinking.

Didn’t know it was there, cheers man!


I feel kinda bad asking but would you mind telling me how I create a BSDF in WIndows? I tried going through google. Or at least point me in the right direction.



The BSDF generated by Window are actually at c:\users\public\LBNL\WINDOWX.X where X.X is the version number of Window.

I let you have a look at

http://www.radiance-online.org/community/workshops/2012-copenhagen/… Slide 14

Could also be of some interests http://windows.lbl.gov/software/window/7/XMLBSDF.htm

Now, I am currently trying to use a BSDF I have generated with Window but what I have so far is

Runtime error (ValueErrorException): Invalid integer literal


line 653, in analyseRadMaterials, “<string>”

line 260, in main “<string>”

line 280, in script

Hi Serge! Which version are you using? and can you upload your example file? The error is a failure in casting to type integer in material string.



Here is the XML

The .gh is just a mess as I am just trying to learn what can be done with Honeybee (a wonderful piece of software. Thanks a lot by the way)

Double Clear with Argon White VB 0.xml (1.61 MB)
Test BSDF and sun tracking.gh (567 KB)

Should I thought about it sooner. The issue is just that I have some spaces in the name of my xml file. Remove them and the error disappears.

So I wonder if there shouldn’t be a test to see if there are some blank in the path and/or the name? If yes then copy the .xml somewhere with a name that recall the original name but without any blank.

Hi Serge and Mostapha,


Thanks for the link very helpful!

Have a couple of questions for you if you don’t mind.

Does Window 7.3 generate BDSF for more than one layer or will I just get the BDSF for the outer layer, my shading? Do I have to use blinds with spectral data?

Also, do you know of any way to get radiance to work with W7.3? I copied the radiance folder in the program, added the lines in the ini file but nothing. Is it a custom made radiance they want or the normal installation? Or is it that there is no batch file anywhere? I’m guessing this is stupid and has a simple solution.


Is it possible to import EnergyPlus files generated by Window7.3?

Thanks a lot for the feedback!

Kind regards,


On my computer I have a GenSkyvec.exe that I cannot find anywhere but in the folder used by Window. Good my hard drive is big enough for me to keep another install of radiance and I haven’t tried to have only one.

To make it work, do enter “RadianceBatchPath=/c RunRad.bat” It is not a typo as I thought at first.

For what I know the BSDF is the one of the full CFS. But I haven’t checked it.

Hi everyone,

I created a double glazed window, with a 8mm low-e glass, 12mm air gap, and a 8mm tempered clear glass on the inside in Window 7.3. I then imported the bdsf into honeybee and I’m getting the following readme message:

void BSDF Glazing
6 0.000 C:/Users/Public/LBNL/WINDOW7.3/BSDFs/Glazing.xml

0.000 0.000 1.000 .

I’m not saying this is an error but I am obviously worried about the values the component is reporting.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


I realized that the 0,0,1 is the orientation set in the bdsf. Always rushing into things I’m afraid :slight_smile:

However, after trying to run the analysis I am getting the error “illegal orientation vector for xxx bdsf”. Now, I have tried every vector and I still get the message.

I have all of my glazing grouped together atm, and they have different orientations. Would this cause the error in this case?

Hi Theo, Can you upload a simple example file with your xml file?

Ok this is embarassing, I have no idea why I never responded to this. Maybe I gave up on what I was doing at the time.

I came into an issue with BSDF again I wonder if I’m doign something wrong. I am getting an unknown material type “BSDF” error from radiance when I connect a Windows 7.4 xml glazing file using the radBSDFMaterial HB component.

The model is a simple box, just meant for testing thermochromic glazing. All components updated.

I am attaching the xml file. The material definition seems right

void BSDF ThermoTest
6 0.000 C:/Users/Public/LBNL/WINDOW7.4/BSDFs/LowE.xml 0.000 0.000 1.000 .

I have Radiance 4.1a installed, so it shouldn’t be that. BTW can update to the last version and still have HB working? I should note that grid based analysis worked.

Any ideas?

Kind regards,


LowE.xml (138 KB)
LowE.csv (132 KB)

I have Radiance version 5.0.a.5 installed and I can apply the material with no issue.

Damn, then it’s my Radiance!

Thanks for testing Mostapha, I will try another annual simulation with the new version when I’m at the office tomorrow morning!

Kind regards,


I will try another annual simulation with the new version when I’m at the office tomorrow morning!

I totally missed the fact that you’re trying to run an annual analysis. Daysim is incapable of reading BSDF materials for annual simulation. One more reason that 3 and 5-Phase method is the better solution for annual simulation.


Aha, thanks for heads up Mostapha.

I will wait patiently for the 3-phase method :wink:

I wonder, will we still retain the daysim capabilities concerning controls, schedules, etc. with the new method (when it is applied)? Forgive my ignorance on this, I’ve read the document but I’m not aware of the relationships between them.

Kind regards,


The answer is yes but it won’t be using Daysim’s scripts. They have so many limitations. In case of schedules we can write our own codes, and for controls projects like STADIC will be used.

Hi Mostapha,
Thanks for this comment.

the other day, I have generated a BSDF (xml format) (for dielectric material) by genBSDF in Radiance.
I have one question; is it possible to generate it with HB? and by any chance, do you know how I can generate it for both (Solar and visible)?

for your information it was the command:
genBSDF -n 7 -c 8000 +forward +backward -r ‘-ab 50 -ad 1400 -lw 1e-6 -lr -10 -st 1e-6’ +geom meter -dim -0.586443 0.586443 -1.65562 +1.65562 -0.103897 +0.103897 Xmaterial.rad X.rad > X.xml