How can I run energy simulation for a specific duration?

Hi guys,

how can I run a simulation for a specific duration for example from 9 AM to 1 PM for a year?
or on specific dates 21 of all months from 9 AM to 1 PM?

Thank you guys in advance!

Hello Farzam,

I haven’t tried your specific case, but I believe it’s perfectly possible. When you run the simulation you specify the analysis period like so for specific hours:

And like so for specific dates:

Note that whatever you don’t input in the Ladybug_Analysis Period it assumes the full schedule, irrespective of month, day or hour.

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@Gspahr thank you very much. That helped a lot!

Sorry to disappoint but you can not simulate specific hours only as in the example below. Being a dynamic simulation engine, E+, needs to calculate each hour in the period since each one of them affects the following (or more).
For the example above the simulation will start on the 21.1 at 9:00 and ends on 21.12 at 13:00 but all the days in between ALL hours will be calculated.

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I just tried several simulation runs and now I can where I was mistaken. Thanks @AbrahamYezioro for pointing it out. @Farzam please unmark my former reply as solution.

Weirdly enough, I tried simulating for a single day of each month and this is what happened.

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What you did is not one day for each month. You just set the start day in January and the end day in December.

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Thanks, Abraham. The months in between wobbling threw me off, bu it’s much clearer when you put it like that. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@AbrahamYezioro @Gspahr thank you both of you. So how can I run the simulation for an entire year but specific hours? Not possible at all? even coding in energyplus itself? For example, 11 AM to 13 PM for all year but only those hours not the entire 24 hour of a day

Not possible. Please see my very short explanation above for the reason why not.
What is the problem filtering the results for the hours you want?

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@AbrahamYezioro oh thx, I didn’t know we can do that, how can I filter the results :sweat_smile:

Something like this:



@AbrahamYezioro Thank you Abraham

@AbrahamYezioro may I ask you for the file? :sweat_smile: I am not that professional with grasshopper so I do not know the components well

Here you go.
-A. (376.6 KB)

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@AbrahamYezioro thank you so much Abraham.