How to run annual analysis with colorpict material?

I am trying to run an UDI/SDA annual analysis with a colorpict material.

I have been able to create a successful image analysis and have got the material to run as intended.

However, I believe I am not able to do an annual in HB+ because HB+ still doesn’t have a library to facilitate the material and then the material that must be referenced?
Edit: Reference link: Import a material from Radiance library in Honeybee[+] and BRTDfunc material

I also believe that I am not able to run it in legacy because it behaves the same way as a BSDF material, in that it can’t be supported by DAYSIM. The annual analysis claims “Can’t find the results of the study”
Edit reference link: Honeybee [+] Perforated Screen material

Edit: This is all in the effort to do a frit the way frit is actually laid out on glazing with the pattern staggered with scaling relative to the product, as is not staggered. See successful ~1" square daylight visualization of the .hdr file frit pattern:

Ultimately this stems from the desire to mimic frit more accurately visually. However I might be shooting myself in the foot with correctly mimicking the way light is experienced in the room as I had to set the translucency of the colorpict at 50% in photoshop with the HDR file (is that even a valid approach?). But I was trying to prepare myself for more complicated frit asks that will be coming from the architect. This approach is based on @mostapha 's paper And I thought this was great.

Am I missing something with how to run colorpict annually?


This does not answer your query :neutral_face:, but I am curious: Isn’t the black portion of this shape opaque?

Since you intend to run an annual, illuminance-based, simulation it might not be worth the effort to create visually accurate representations of the frit pattern. You will just be looking at a bunch of annual hourly results anyway. If you are analyzing frit patterns only, a physically-based approach would be to use the Glaze script that was commissioned by Jack DeValpine nearly 17 years ago. My (then) colleagues at HKS and I had worked with this script back in 2017 and found the results to be reasonable. As Jack mentions in his blogpost (excerpt below), the frits do not show up as actual patterns in the simulation.

“Materials descriptions that include frits do not account for the actual pattern of the frit, eg stripes, dots, cutouts or otherwise. Instead frits are modeled in terms of overall coverage and how this impacts transmittance and reflectance. Materials with frits may be suitable for general visualization of appearance depending on viewer location and type of physical frit, for example small dots.”

It is still somewhat of an involved process to get the Glaze script to generate the BRTDfunc material definitions as per desired specification. A simplistic approach would be to just reduce the transmittance of the glass material.
