I am currently working on my master thesis about daylight.
It is about a case study with perforated panels facade, I am having a hard time simulating these elements in Honeybee. I am planning to try the same model in HB+ using 3 and 5 phased method for annual simulations and save time, but still having accurate results.
Firstly I tried with Window lbl software and BSDF materials! but didn’t work out so well. I end up using Mostapha’s perforated mesh example, this worked out with HB but when I try in HB+, I don’t find any option to add to library, so I can’t call the material when I use the rad file to create the mesh material.
I am also facing similar problems when adding a translucent material [roller shade]. @mostapha@sarith
It’s been a while since I dug deep into the HB[+] source-code, so I am not sure if mixfunc is supported or not. Based on what I see here, I don’t think mixfunc is supported yet.
Have you tried making this work with Honeybee legacy?
Yes, It does work in Honeybee legacy. The problem arises when I try to use the same materials in HB+.
I find curious that it works only for ASE results visualization but not for read annual results, as shown in this discussion.
Do you know any approach to perform annual simulation of perforated panel facade in HB+?
I reckon that is because the ASE script turns everything except the glazing polygon black and disables the ambient calcs.
Anyway, for now, just so that you can keep things moving, I would suggest working with Honeybee legacy. One issue there, however, is that Daysim (the annual calculation engine) does not support BSDFs. But if you are using mixfunc to define the perforations, I think it will not be an problem.