I’m glad to share some useful tools with those people who use ENVI-Met v.4.0 for their researches. (a software that is very slow but accurate enough, XD). I have written two LB components which let you visualize and manipulate data that come from ENVI-Met simulations. These component are based on a research with ENVI-Met v.3.0 and Ladybug that I did in 2015:
It is possible to combine LB_ENVI-Met Grid with other LB component, such as: Ladybug_Mesh Threshold Selector, Ladybug_Countour Mesh, Ladybug_Recolor Mesh, Ladybug_Outdoor Comfort Calculator, Ladybug_Thermal Comfort Indices.
If you use Biomet then you have another directory at the level of other output directories (i.e. atmosphere, radiation, etc). Inside it you’ll find another set of directories (PMV, PET, UTCI) depending which comfort standard you asked for (could be all of them).
Hope it helps to get all results that were missing.
Rhino does not use independent installations of IronPython, but they can conflict with the version loaded from Rhino’s installation folder. As such, you should not install different IronPython versions to begin with. See more information.
If required, then rather install the exact version that you are using with Rhino, or disable the GAC option while installing.
Besides, \N is not a good character escape. It should be \n. \n is a new line escape. \N is undefined, even in Python 2.0, and as such, can create issues. I am not an expert regarding under which conditions an error will be raised for this problem, rather than being silently ignored.
thank you for your precious contribute! Yes, I know that \N is not an escape character ;), but believe me I didn’t know where it was hidden inside the code…
Hi Abraham,
thanks for your work! send a pull request and mainly, can you show me where these “\N” are in the code? XD
I am trying to develop a microclimate map to put into a multi-objective optimization so the repetitive process is really essential and I need to reduce the time to simulate one condition. I succeed in setting a grasshopper environment to get the data from envi-met but I need only diffused temperature, relative humidity and wind pressure maps. How can I get only these data but not the rest so the simulation time can be shorter?