Urban Microclimat analysis || ENVI-met or others?

hi guys,

I’ve been following many discussions on ENVI-met in grasshopper and other alternatives with ladybug/honeybee (PET analysis and others). I must say that I’m now lost with all these possibilities.

My main objective is to perform an urban outdoor comfort analysis at the scale of max 1km radius in a city (maybe it is too much…).

As I’m digging deeper, and correct me if I’m wrong, ENVI-met approach seems to be the most complete ?

Now excuse this novice question, but concerning LB-ENVI-met, does it require ENVI-met software last version 4.3.2 (quite expensive for a student 400$CAN/year) Or it may work with previous version like ENVI-met 4 or 3.1 (is it free)? And where I can found it ?
All info I found about Grasshopper and ENVI-met:

And for those who already explore something similar as ENVI-met with Ladybug component, what doest it represent in terms of complexity ?

All your advices and tips about running a complexe urban analysis are welcome !

I truly appreciate all your work, efforts, and supports !
Thank you guys,

Charles C.

cc @chris, @SaeranVasanthakumar