We moved the Image Viewer component from Legacy to the LBT plugin with the 1.3.0 release. The installer.gh that comes with Food4Rhino can install the updated Image Viewer if you have never installed it before. However, Grasshopper does not allow you to delete/overwrite .gha files while Rhino/Grasshopper is open. So, in order to get the new Image Viewer, you have to close Rhino/Grasshopper and delete all of the files and folders related to Ironbug/Ladybug Tools at:
Then, you can either re-run the second component that’s in the installer.gh or you can run the LB Versioner and this will install the new image viewer.
Hi Mingbo,
Yes, I tested it right away and it worked with HDRs. The LB 1.3 has also the FalseStartToggle which was a nice addition.
I had installed LB 1.3 in early september and then followed the instructions of Chris. In Food4rhino it showed a more recent date for LB 1.3 (14 September) and used that file this second time for installation. Maybe it had something to do.
The new LBT image viewer is the same as the old one. It’s just moved to a different tab. So, if you want to use both legacy and LBT installed on the same machine, then I recommend only using the .gha file for the LBT plugin (so you only have one copy of the image viewer). If you need to view images that you generated with Legacy, you can still use the new LBT Image Viewer for this purpose.