Legacy Components vs. V1.1.0 - completely different simulation results?

Following this post, I have managed to get the legacy tools (Ladybug V0.0.69 and Honeybee V0.0.66) to work alongside Ladybug Tools V1.1.0 with OpenStudio V3.0.

However, I’ve been doing some testing and am getting very different simulation results depending on which version of the tools I use.

In the following script, is it not the case that I have defined the same weather file, geometry, constructions, loads, and schedules - and that one would therefore expect identical simulation results?

Legacy vs V1.gh (603.5 KB)

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Nice Study and important to have this sorted out.

@MaxMarschall ,

There are a few reasons why the results are different but, by far, the biggest one was that you left the concrete ground slab in the LBT Honeybee model (but not in the Legacy model), which has a huge effect when all of your other constructions have zero mass. When I added the ground slab like this:

… I was able to get the results to match like this:

Another important difference is that we decided the default start day of the week would always be Sunday in the LBT plugin whereas, in Legacy, we originally had it as “UseWeatherFile”. Then, EnergyPlus team took that option away when they added support for multi-year simulations, and we were left floundering as we tried to keep things backwards compatible. So we just made it always equal to Sunday in LBT.

To ensure that the schedules align, I just had to plug in the day of the week for LBT:

… and that’s pretty much it. There are other minor differences but, as you can see, they don’t really have a significant effect on the temperature.


Thanks @chris, really appreciate the help!