Mac Rhino has problems reading the epw word path

it seams to be the simplest thing to do , and I cannot make this work. Any ideas why ? thank you

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Hi @tanyas

What is the error that the GHPython component is giving you? Can you how the code and/or the error?


Hi ! Thank you for responding. The error is also in the windows partition in mac. I am not sure what is wrong.

Hi @tanyas,

Is the component there a custom component you’ve created? It appears that it is? If so, you’d need to show the code inside to be able to troubleshoot.

it is certainly possible to access Mac files from the Windows side, if you are using Parallels:


Sorry , I am new to this. Is that what you mean ?
Thank you !

ah - yes, that makes sense. So the error is happening here:

because it can’t locate the specified EPW file. So in that case:

  1. Double check that the file is there in the specified location?
  2. Check your _epw_folder input - are you sure it is correct?
  3. A better practice (rather than providing the folder location as a piece of text in a panel like you are doing) is to use the Grasshopper “File Path” component: With this component, you “right-click” on it, and then locate the folder you want using the normal file browser -

Once you specify the directory in that File Path component, you can pass it in as the _epw_folder name.

You may also wan to contact whomever it was that made this custom component.


Thank so much for your help ! Unfortunately I am still not able to solve this :frowning:

How are you running Windows on your Mac? Are you using Parallels or something similar?

That path still doesn’t look quite right to me? When I use Parallels I get a path that always starts with “\\Mac.…” (note two ‘\’ characters)

The path shown here appears to have forward slashes (on windows I think it should be a backslash?) and starts at the ‘User’ for some reason, rather than the root?

this is from Rhino / mac , not from the parallel.

Oh - sorry, I misunderstood: I thought you said you were accessing the file from your windows partition(meaning: running Rhino from Windows, accessing the EPW file on your Mac-side). Apologies for confusing things there.

It’s hard to say what the exact issue is - but for whatever reason the file path not being found?

I would suggest trying to simplify your setup as much as possible, and see if that changes anything? So for instance, rather than trying to access a file that is nested 14 folders deep, with lots of different folder names, try moving your EPW file to the simplest path you can, so for instance try moving it to just:


and then try and to load it from there? If that works, then try moving it down one directory at a time until you find the spot where it stops working, then you’ll have a good sense of where the exact issue is.

My guess is there is something about one of those folder names that is causing it to get confused though.


Thank you very much , something else is going on here that I dont understand unfortunately. How can I add a epw as a link under this configuration please ?

I think that the easiest thing to do is to use the built-in EPW download component, and use the website:

to find the link for whichever EPW you would like to use.


Thank you ! and how do I connect this with the GHpython Script please?

photo attached.

oh - you would use that new ‘LB Download Weather’ component instead of the custom GHPython component. That new one downloads the EPW for you. You can just use the ‘epw_file_’ output from that component for whatever the next part of your project is instead of the GHPython one.

it finally worked … Thank you so much !!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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When I try to use a local .epw file path on a Mac I can’t get it to work, and my error looks like this:

Do I need to do something to the path? Does local file reference not work on Macs? I’m not sure where to start troubleshooting.

try adding a slash at the end of the epw description in the panel

I detected some whitespace before and after the path and eliminated it, and I tried with and without a trailing slash (see image), and I haven’t gotten a different result. Is there some trick on Macs for Ladybug to parse or access a file path?

check these two options here .