No solar gains through interior window

Hi all,

i am trying to create a sunspace in front of a living room, as in the attached script (internalised geometries). I made it into two convex zones, one for the sunspace and one for the adjacent living room. The results i get show zero solar gains for the living room. I have deliberately oriented it towards south and i have designed large windows, so i think something is wrong regarding the direct solar component. Any advice would be most appreciated,

thank you! (624 KB)

Hi Iason,

Your file runs fine and if you look at surface results you will see the solar gain through the window is there (attached!):

The confusion happens since solarGain output on zone results is actually “Zone Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Energy” output in EnergyPlus. If you check EnergyPlus InputOutputReference you can see the definition below:

Zone Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Energy [J]
The total Surface Window Transmitted Solar Radiation Rate of all the exterior windows in a zone.

Since your room has no exterior window the solar gain is 0. I think we should add this to output description.

Hope it helps,

Mostapha (651 KB)

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Yes this helps a lot!

It is as you say, i checked with the heating energy too, and it is the one i should be getting.

Case closed!

T h a n k y o u ! ! !