Hi @LaFleur ,
See that the file is taking the direct and diffuse illumination outputs from the ImportEPW component. They are summed up. At the same time the 1000 lux limit is considering the window transmittance properties. In the example it is giving ~1428. Which is connected as a statement condition to the sunpath component.
So it is checking if the total illuminance (data input) is above the 1428. If so, exclude the vector from the output.
Dear @AbrahamYezioro ,
I want to simulate the sDA results for two floors building, but all the sensors are showing 50 (yellow), I don’t know what wrong about it.
Any way to resolve this?
Thank you!
Not sure i understood the question. can you explain why you think the result is wrong?
Also, please include the GH file in case we need to check what is going on.
Thanks. I was a little surprised by this result at first. I thought about it for a while, and it seems possible that sDA is 100%.
I still have a confusion, when the two rooms are misplaced and stacked, the sensor grid changes. I don’t know if the model is wrong. I am not very confident.
Hi @crz_06 ,
Since LBT has now ASE and sDA calculations (as opposed to the time the script was posted) I suggest using them. There is no point in maintaining parallel versions.
Let me know if that makes sense for you or you think there is a good reason for checking the updated file you uploaded.
Ah, had no idea. Replaced with sDA node ( HB Spatial Daylight Autonomy), but I fail to understand how to get the ’ HB Spatial Daylight Autonomy’ node to work. I get a different value. Any help would be much appreciated sDA + ASE_LBT_Forum_v1.8.gh (220.2 KB)
Hi @AbrahamYezioro , i would apricated if you can point me in the direction to calculate the ASE as apposed to the ‘old way’ of doing this. The sDA was an easy find, but cannot find equivalent node for ASE. Thanks !
In the attached file you can find a workflow I’m using for calculating and showing sDA/ASE.
Hope you can manage to follow. You can pick either output.
ASE has it’s own component in LBT.
-A. Just ASE+sDA.gh (134.7 KB)
@AbrahamYezioro thanks for sharing your file, looks just what i need !
but do you know why i get see this error when running the analysis? No changes other than toggle the boolean button
Picking up this topic i came across a youtube video by hilipp Galvan that highlighted @chris and your original codes on this topic.
a comment by Lodovico Bruno highlighted some issues with these scripts > let me quote him:
…, reading the IES-LM-83-12 standard and I can tell this workflow is a raw simplification of the real ASE value.
These are the two main reasons:
The IES-LM-83-12 standard talks about sensors with OVER 1000 lux, and NOT DIRECT SUN vectors calculation. This means that, according with the closer weather station of your project and the ASE - Climatic Modelling Methodology, you may have cloudy days that must be excluded from your total amount.
The direct radiations must be filtered not only by clouds, but also from the window transparency (section 3.2.2), so a HB model with apertures and glass materials is the way.
He mentions his results with a script considering the points above gives a result very different. With the Chris file and setting location of Rome Airport, the Chris’ script gives a result of 37,5 %, his result is 27,34 %.
Additionally the script coming out from a static model without dynamic shades cannot be considered as LEED compliant, as described in the IES LM-83-12 standard.
What are your thoughts on this, do you/we need to to change you script?