Spider Rad viewer issue or HB Radiance issue

hello @chris

While checking some rad files using Spider Rad - Radiance viewer 8 , I noticed that the materials assigned to surfaces were not consistent with how the model is written in GH using HB Radiance 1.1.0.
I’m unable to say whether this is a bug from Spider Rad or HB Radiance or if I’ve misused the tools.

EXAMPLE 1: with the sample gh file where the modifier’s name differs from the type of surfaces assigned by default (using room modelling) :

A floor on the ceiling

A ceiling as a wall

EXAMPLE 2: with a gh file of mine where the modifier’s name differs from the one I assigned manually to faces (using faces modelling) :

A context as context

A context as white wall

While the visualization shows both are context

let me know if I can add more infos about this.

Kind regards,

Thanks for reporting, @OlivierDambron .

I’m not able to recreate the issue on my end just by looking at the .rad file and the corresponding honeybee model. Can you upload the .gh file that creates this issue? I’m having trouble understanding if “name differs from default” means that you’re just assigning your own custom modifier to individual faces?

thanks for your reply @chris

The file I used is the sample provided in the release. I upload here that file including a parallel geometry preparation using individual faces.

You should be able to recreate the error by writing the case using the room geometry preparation and opening up the rad + mat file on Spider Rad. On my computer I notice that materials on the viewer are inconsistent with how the files are written (looking at it in notepad++), hence I reckon the potential issue might be on the side of Spider Rad viewer.

With this sample geometry I’m unable to recreate the error using the individual faces geometry preparation,
although in the other project I used it and faced the same issue.

Hope this is clear,

With kind regards,
Olivierannual_daylight_rooms.gh (84.9 KB)

Thank you for all of the detailed info, @OlivierDambron . Looking at the output from the .gh file, you are correct that the issue isn’t on the end of the LBT plugin and seems to be entirely with the Spider Rad Viewer. So I’m changing the category of this topic to Spider and, since this pretty clearly seems to be a bug, it’s probably best to just open an issue on the Spider-Rad-Viewer Github. Then, hopefully @TheoA can get to it when he has the chance.

In the meantime, you can use the Honeybee “Visualize” components as the source of truth to QA/QC the radiance modifiers assigned to your LBT Honeybee models.

@OlivierDambron @chris

I don’t run Rhino and Grasshopper. If one of you sends me the RAD file, I will investigate and fix and update as needed

@chris many thanks for taking the time to check this.

@TheoA please find attached the rad and mat file that I opened in spider radiance viewer 8.
envelope.rad (1.8 KB) envelope.mat (176 Bytes)

Let me know if I can be of any help.

Salut @OlivierDambron

I have downloaded and played with envelope,rad and .mat. The files seem OK. The rendering semms OK. The issue is that the pop-up is switching one wall and one floor.

I poked around for an hour or so, but I have figured out the cause. It looks like it may be a very interesting but unusual case.

But is it worth my time to fix it??

This is the first time I have heard of anybody using the Spider Radiance Viewer scripts since 2018. If you or any people you know are regular, frequent users, please let me know and I will have a further look.

BTW, for my look-see, I used a later version: https://www.ladybug.tools/spider-2020/spider-radiance-viewer/. Note that this version does not yet support external MAT files. You need to copy paste the material data into the RAD file.

hi @TheoA

Thanks for your reply and time.
As a matter of fact I am using spider radiance viewer on a regular basis in order to check the truth about my simulations, and even past simulations. Especially on research projects that started a long time ago… It is super useful, to me at least.

I’ve tried the new Spider 2020 viewer and replaced the mat into the rad file:

The error persists:
we’ve got a wall assigned as a floor.

Or on this other example where the floor is in aluminium (supposedly assigned only to frames).

Let me know if I can be of any help.


Salut @OlivierDambron

Thank you for sharing. Looks like a nice building!

My guess is that the bug will be hard to find but easy to fix once found.

Since you are a regular user, I should fix it.

Since you are a fellow AA grad, I must fix it.



Hi @TheoA i stumbled upon this bug also today. Must say that I’ve been using the spider viewer on a regular basis whenever tweaking things in my grasshopper setup to quality check and debug. It’s a really nice tool. :clap:

I did however still use V7 as it was the only version where i could hit the upload button, put *.rad in the browser search field, in my model folder and add all of the context+envelope+apertures.

In the other versions i tested, it would hide one geometry as soon as I upload a new one. And they would only show one file at a time. Perhaps this is fixed in your 2020 version?

Best, Mathias