Yesterday, I just updated both legacy and plus version. Then I tried to update one old script to HB+ 0.0.06.
With following this post (Honeybee[+] update old scripts error), I copied and pasted the HoneybeePlus_installer component into the HoneybeePlus folder at C:\Users<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\UserObjects\HoneybeePlus , overwriting the previous component.
After toggled the Installer component and restarted Rhino and Grasshopper, old definitions are not really updated. The old script worked fine before updating.
You have the right idea here but just the wrong component. The Honeybee[+] Installer component only updates the version of the components and libraries that you have installed and appear in your toolbar. It does not change anything about the components on the Grasshopper canvass of a particular file.
To sync all of the components on a Grasshopper canvass with the version that is installed in your toolbar, you should use the “Ladybug_Update File” component . I realize that this is a LB-Legacy component and so it’s not necessarily obvious that this component can sync both the legacy components and those of Honeybee[+] 0.0.06. But it does and, after you run it, you should no longer have a canvass of red components.
Hi @chris
Thanks for your replay.
I indeed tried to updated LB Legacy as well, but unfortunately, I mistakenly used Ladybug_UpdateLadybug component so it didn’t work lol
I just followed your suggestions to use Ladybug_Update File component. And it works! No error anymore
Thank you again!