In all likelihood, you are getting this error because your Rhino model is in millimeters but you thought that you were working in meters so your geometry is incredibly small. In other words, it’s too small to be a valid energy model. Change your Rhino model units and then re-compute the Grasshopper canvas and all should work.
We’ve gotten this question a few times on the forum already and it’s signaled to me that I really need to implement a better error message here. I’ll try to do this soon but hopefully people will find this post here so that we don’t have to keep answering the same question.
Thank you a lot! In my case, the way was also to restart rhino afterwards. Before posting, I only tested changing the units to meters, but did not restart and got the same mistake. But now all works.
Thanks @Katya . I just tested myself and found that I needed to recompute the canvas twice to get the new units to read in correctly. So you’re right that just one recompute might not be enough. In any case, restarting Rhino will always get it to work.