I created 8760 schedule.csv with no specific pattern. When I simulate it in openstudio, I get the following error Missing required property ‘file_name’. Please find example file attached. My best case scenario would be to solve the error by adjusting the model in grasshopper. It would be great if that is possible by integrating ironbug components.
I read through a couple of ironbug posts about a similar issue, 8760 Schedule in Ironbug, Ironbug - csv setpoint schedule.
I want to keep using the honeybee components to build the model as shown in the example file because the actual file where I need this solution is big and hard to adjust. Please let me know of the solution if it is not possible that I keep the file structure.
I read about ironbug ScheduleFile component in the posts above, it would be great if that can be used to solve the issue in my model
Also, is there a way to add summer and winter design days to the Fixed Interval Schedule I have in the example?
I would be grateful for your help
csvSchedule.gh (56.0 KB)