Current document units is in Meters
Conversion to Meters will be applied = 1.000
Current working directory is set to: c:\ladybug\project\OpenStudio
Model saved to: c:\ladybug\project\OpenStudio\project.osm
OSM > IDF: c:/ladybug/project/OpenStudio/project/ModelToIdf/in.idf
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.4.0-998c4b761e, YMD=2020.12.28 20:42,
************* Beginning Zone Sizing Calculations
** Warning ** RunPeriod: object=RUN PERIOD 1, start weekday (THURSDAY) does not match the start year (2009), corrected to FRIDAY.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant=“ALWAYS ON DISCRETE”, Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input – will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant=“ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE”, Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input – will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant=“ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS”, Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input – will not be validated.
** Warning ** GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no “Ground Temperatures” were input.
** ~~~ ** Found first in surface=CONTEXT_1_SRF_5
** ~~~ ** Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used.
** Warning ** GetSurfaceData: InterZone Surface Areas do not match as expected and might not satisfy conservation of energy:
** ~~~ ** …use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; to show more details on individual mismatches.
** Warning ** ManageSizing: For a plant sizing run, there must be at least 1 Sizing:Plant object input. SimulationControl Plant Sizing option ignored.
************* Testing Individual Branch Integrity
************* All Branches passed integrity testing
************* Testing Individual Supply Air Path Integrity
************* All Supply Air Paths passed integrity testing
************* Testing Individual Return Air Path Integrity
************* All Return Air Paths passed integrity testing
************* No node connection errors were found.
************* Beginning Simulation
** Warning ** The resource referenced by LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation= “U.S. AVG COMMERCIAL-ELECTRICITY” has no energy cost.
** ~~~ ** … It is likely that the wrong resource is used. The resource should match the meter used in Utility:Tariff.
** Warning ** The resource referenced by LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation= “U.S. AVG COMMERCIAL-DISTILLATE OIL” has no energy cost.
** ~~~ ** … It is likely that the wrong resource is used. The resource should match the meter used in Utility:Tariff.
** Warning ** The resource referenced by LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation= “U.S. AVG COMMERCIAL-RESIDUAL OIL” has no energy cost.
** ~~~ ** … It is likely that the wrong resource is used. The resource should match the meter used in Utility:Tariff.
** Warning ** The resource referenced by LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation= “U.S. AVG COMMERCIAL-NATURAL GAS” has no energy cost.
** ~~~ ** … It is likely that the wrong resource is used. The resource should match the meter used in Utility:Tariff.
** Warning ** The resource referenced by LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation= “U.S. AVG COMMERCIAL-COAL” has no energy cost.
** ~~~ ** … It is likely that the wrong resource is used. The resource should match the meter used in Utility:Tariff.
************* Simulation Error Summary *************
** Warning ** The following Report Variables were requested but not generated – check.rdd file
** ~~~ ** Either the IDF did not contain these elements, the variable name is misspelled,
** ~~~ ** or the requested variable is an advanced output which requires Output : Diagnostics, DisplayAdvancedReportVariables;
************* Key=*, VarName=FAN ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=COOLING TOWER FAN ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=ZONE VENTILATION FAN ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=ZONE LIGHTS ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=ZONE ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=EARTH TUBE FAN ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=PUMP ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=ZONE VRF AIR TERMINAL COOLING ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=ZONE VRF AIR TERMINAL HEATING ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=VRF HEAT PUMP COOLING ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=VRF HEAT PUMP HEATING ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=CHILLER HEATER SYSTEM COOLING ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=CHILLER HEATER SYSTEM HEATING ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=ZONE VENTILATION SENSIBLE HEAT LOSS ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=ZONE VENTILATION SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=COOLING COIL ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=CHILLER ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=BOILER GAS ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=HEATING COIL TOTAL HEATING ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=HEATING COIL GAS ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=HEATING COIL ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* Key=*, VarName=HUMIDIFIER ELECTRIC ENERGY, Frequency=Hourly
************* There are 3 unused schedules in input.
************* There are 3 unused week schedules in input.
************* There are 3 unused day schedules in input.
************* Use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayUnusedSchedules; to see them.
************* ===== Final Error Summary =====
************* The following error categories occurred. Consider correcting or noting.
************* InterZone Surface Areas – mismatch
************* …Area mismatch errors happen when the interzone surface in zone A is
************* …not the same size as it’s companion in zone B.
************* EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 7 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 13 Warning; 0 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 3.32sec