Legacy Ladybug 0.0.69 / Honeybee 0.0.66 and Honeybee[+] 0.0.06 Release

Hello Wonderful Community!

We are happy to announce that we have posted two new releases of Grasshopper plugins on Food4Rhino:

  • Legacy Ladybug 0.0.69/Honeybee 0.0.66
  • Honeybee[+] 0.0.06

Make sure to remove the older version of Ladybug and Honeybee before you install and remember that you can update your Grasshopper definitions to your currently installed version using the “Ladybug_Update File” component


The main purpose of this release is to fix a number of minor bugs, update the compatibility of Honeybee with the latest version of OpenStudio, and (most importantly) prepare for the upcoming release of the new Ladybug Tools plugins.

After installing the new version, you will notice that the tabs for the legacy plugins have been renamed to “LB-Legacy” and “HB-Legacy” like so:

The reason for this is that we are very close to releasing a completely new version of the Grasshopper plugins (Ladybug, Honeybee, and Dragonfly) that are robust enough to start replacing both the Legacy plugins and Honeybee[+] 0.0.06. The new plugins will be taking over the tab names of “Ladybug” and “Honeybee,” meaning that the legacy and honeybee[+] releases of this post will be install-able alongside the brand new plugins.

Aside from the tab name change, there aren’t any new features to list aside from the fact that Legacy Honeybee 0.0.66 can work with OpenStudio 3.0 / EnergyPlus 9.3 using the methods noted in this post. There have also been a few very small bug fixes but nothing large enough to list here.

What to expect next

Over the next few months, we will be entering a time of transition in the Grasshopper plugins. This release is evidence that we are trying to make the transition happen smoothly but there will be some things that we will be asking you to tolerate during this transition.

For example, we know that potentially having more than 5 different Grasshopper tabs for Ladybug Tools is not ideal. Nor is the prospect of building definitions with a mixture of old and new components knowing that the old ones may need to be replaced as the new plugins go from an initial feature set at their first release to fully supporting all the features of the legacy plugins. But it should become clear why this transition is important when we share more information about the completely new features that latest plugins support in our next release.

So, with that, we thank you all for your patience and we hope you will soon be excited as we are about the changes to come!


Cant wait for new possibilities,. Thanks @chris. :+1:

Great news for such crazy times.
Thanks @mostapha, @chris and all the good people involved in this project.

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Good news, thanks !@chris

@chris Awesome Job!!! Thanks for Ladybug team!!!

That sounds great! when will they be available for mac?

The unreleased plugins under development right now are currently being tested on Mac. When we eventually do a release of them on Food4Rhino, they will have full Mac support.

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: How to get Honeybee Legacy working with OpenStudio 3.0

Cant wait for new fusion.
Thanks @chris,@mostapha
Will the new features consider a combination of Dragonfly and Honeybee?For example, ENVI-Met microenvironment simulation results are imported into EnergyPlus for energy analysis.

@fish0920 ,
For the time being, we have been mostly focused on the connections to the open source engines (namely, EnergyPlus, Radiance, and the UWG for dragonfly). @AntonelloDiNunzio is still developing the envi-met components, though, so they will be supported even though they may not be a part of the new Dragonfly. Dragonfly is becoming more of a general-purpose urban-scale molder such that any dragonfly model can be translated to honeybee models for urban-scale energy, daylight, and eventually thermal comfort modeling similar to what is presented in this paper.


Awesome! Looking forward to checking them out.

This is great news! Looking forward to the big release, @chris any idea if it’s weeks or months away?

Une très bonne nouvelle. Merci pour toute l’équipe. Et bonne continuation.

Great! Thank you for your hard work!

Hey, Chris! looking forward to the new version. But I just tried to update my ladybug and I got this warning. I made sure to follow the installation instructions.

Hello @sanjaya.natasha,
You need to update the rhino version To Rhino 6.27 as shown referenced sdk.

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Hello… I am facing a problem with Honeybee…It is not flying and leaving this message.

I was hoping that this problem will be fixed after this new release but unfortunately, it didn’t work

The problem is at your end and the HB is indeed flying as you can see at the bottom of the panel in your image.
It is orange probably because you are missing some programs to install, such as THERM or WINDOW.

I downloaded all the required programs but still the window is orange…I don’t know if someone faced the same problem before.