HB Deconstruct Model - Mesh Shade not accessible

interesting issue here…

If i feed Brep surfaces into the HB shade component i can access those shades when i deconstruct the model…

If i feed mesh surfaces into the HB shade component I cannot access those shades when i deconstruct the model…

In either case, the shading was accessible from the HB visualize by type component, and the way i discovered this is because the HB Shade component was not translating my shade accurately, so i thought pre-meshing it would help…

Appreciate any insights! thanks!

I have a similar issue here.
It seems the HB_Shade component doesn’t work on meshes.

I am facing the same problem. The HB_Shade component worked with meshes before. Also when I use my brep it doesn’t convert it to a shade perfectly.

@chris is there any suggestion?

I also discussed about this topic here

Hi @jakechevrier and all,

Sorry for the late response. This was a bug that was fixed a while back and resulted from the new ShadeMesh object that we added in order to streamline the translation of meshes to Radiance and other simulation engines. This bug was fixed here in December 2023:

So just upgrade to LBT 1.8, make sure that your component versions are 1.8.0, and you won’t have this issue anymore.

A post was split to a new topic: Error when Exporting ShadeMesh to OpenStudio with a Tolerance of a Micron