Honeybee Runtime error


I work with the ladybug tools for my simulation of my BA-thesis. I can’t program and understands the problem.
Can everybody helps me?

Hi Elli,

Are you trying to run HB Legacy in Mac?

I download on that link Ladybug Tools | Food4Rhino the Ladybug Tools 1.2.0. I use Rhino6. I don’t understand why my Honeybee is not flying…

The picture you uploaded says you are using the Legacy version (HB 0.0.65 is not an updated version of legacy) however, it seems you downloaded the latest version of LBT which is 1.2.0.!!
If you are using Mac, you should download LBT 1.2.0. and follow the instruction here.
If you are using windows, Both LBT 1.2.0. and Legacy plugins (Ladybug 0.0.69 and Honeybee 0.0.66) are compatible.


Hi Nariman,

Thanks for your good description.
I follow the instruction for Mac, but there is another problem. One file exist and i don’t find it to delete and go on. Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-03 um 12.01.09.png - directupload.net
Even if i don’t do this step, it doesn’t work.

Excuse my cluelessness . I am grateful for any tip that will help me solve the problem.


Hi Elli,

The Trouble with installing Ladybug 1.2.0. might refer to your problem that explained by Mostapha.
Also Here is another clarification by Chris, this might help you too.
