When running a simulation with Ironbug HVAC systems, I continuously get fatal errors. When unconnected to HVAC system (just via Ladybug tools), the simulation runs without problems.
I have tried adjusting the model, the overriding/or not options for HVAC systems, and pre-defined HVAC Systems. None of them work. I have also tested gh-ironbug models that were posted here (e.g. 3 HVAC Systems in Ironbug in energy simulation, HB model to OSM Error——Solution exception:expected string, got NoneType), (after corrections): they do not appear to work for me either. So I uninstalled, and reinstalled Ladybug tools (1.2 version) and Ironbug (03.2021) with no improvements. The Openstudio, EP versions and locations are displayed in the image.
Besides ‘GetSurfaceData’ errors, I also sometimes get ‘Expected String, got None Type’, or ‘has no attribute orphaned faces’.HVACsystemToOsmRun2.gh (138.5 KB)
The errors emerge only when connecting HVACsystem via SavetoFile to RunOSM. Connecting ModelToOsm to RunOSM works fine. The model for these errors is 3 HVAC Systems in Ironbug in energy simulation after corrections.
I met the same problem recently using LBT1.6.0 as following:
** Severe ** SizeAirLoopBranches: AirLoopHVAC AIR LOOP HVAC 1 has air flow less than 1.0000E-003 m3/s.
Solution exception: ** Fatal ** Previous condition causes termination.
Did you solve it? I would appreciate it if you can give me some advice. Thank you very much.