LBT to Passive House (Converting LBT model)

Hi @Nariman.Rafati - gotcha. So I think its a Rhino 6 vs 7 thing.

I’ve updated things a little to handle that difference now. If you like, you can find all of the most up-to-date components and scripts here:

you should be able to just download that directory,

and then simply copy/paste the updated components from the ‘ghuser’ folder into your Grasshopper\UserObjects… folder:


then copy/paste the updated scripts from the ‘scripts’ into your Rhino\Scripts… directory:


just overwrite the old LBT-2-PH items with the new updated ones. You’ll likely need to update the components in your GH definition with the updated ones as well? You should not need to update anything else, so you can ignore / trash the rest of the downloaded items there.

Sorry about that - hopefully it’s all working now though. Certainly just let me know if not.
