Hi @chris , fair point - I have now created several new threads (should I delete the current one?):
Below are the schedules for a “Closed Office” zone program. The assumption appears to be that the infiltration drops to 25% when the space is occupied, but I would expect the infiltration to be higher when occupied due to a larger difference between indoor and outdoor temperature, as well as the use of exterior doors.
What is the reasoning behind this?
InfiltrationSchedule.gh (477.1 KB)
I am trying to understand infiltration rates in Honeybee and am running into the following problem:
We specify the infiltration rate in m3/s per area of exposed facade. However, if I get Honeybee to output the ZoneInfiltrationStandardDensityVolumeFlowRate, the numbers don’t align with what I would expect (note that this is a single zone building with no windows):
Is this the wrong output to be looking at, or am I calculating the expected infiltration wrongly? Or, am I missing another…
I am trying to understand how Honeybee models natural ventilation through the SetEPAirflow component. Specifically, I would like to know the time frames during which a window was simulated to be open.
I have tried doing this by requesting the output Zone Ventilation Current Density Volume Flow Rate:
My questions are
Can I assume that every time the Zone Ventilation Current Density Volume Flow Rate is above 0, EnergyPlus is modelling the windows to be open?
If so, does the above gra…
I am trying to determine the airflow rate of an IdealAirLoads system. Looking at the RDD file, I found three outputs that might be helpful:
Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Standard Density Volume Flow Rate
Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Standard Density Volume Flow Rate
Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume Flow Rate
The first and third have the same constant value, while the second appears to go above this value during times when the system is cooling:
Can someone please …
Re 1) I was outputting the ZoneInfiltrationCurrentDensityVolumeFlowRate
. I just realised that if I output the ZoneInfiltrationStandardDensityVolumeFlowRate
(‘standard’ instead of ‘current’), I get constant values. So that answers the first question.