Why run energy simulation component can not run correctly? And can not show errors

Why energyplus component can not run? Can anyone help me? Rhino unit is in meters, I check it. This is my file.

Current document units is in Meters

Conversion to Meters will be applied = 1.000
Current document units is in Meters
Conversion to Meters will be applied = 1.000
Duplicate surface name! Name is changed to: R1-W_Dup
[1 of 8] Writing simulation parameters…
[2 of 8] No context surfaces…
[3 of 8] Writing geometry…
[4 of 8] Writing Electric Load Center - Generator specifications …
[5 of 8] Writing materials and constructions…
[6 of 8] Writing schedules…
[7 of 8] Writing loads and ideal air system…
[8 of 8] Writing outputs…

… idf file is successfully written to : c:\ladybug\AE(d&n)\EnergyPlus\AE(d&n).idf

Analysis is running!..

Done! Read below for errors and warnings:

BZ(d&n)-Cold-0.5.3dm (64.0 KB)
BZ(d&n)-Cold-0.5.gh (702.8 KB)

Hi @hoda,

You should update your script to the latest version of the LBT plugins. You’re still using the legacy plugins. We haven’t updated the legacy plugins for several years at this point.


@mostapha, is there any way to update scripts in version 1.7.1 to 1.8.0? Or do I need to recreate everything again? The “versioner” node updates, but my script remains at 1.7.1

Yes. You can use the updated command. See here:


I believe the HB_SyncGHFile is the one you are looking for. It is intended to update scripts from version to version of LBT.


I install ladybug tool 1.8.0 and it works. Thanks. How define vent, in this version, like vents in Trombe wall …

You are off-topic here but this discussion has more info if you want to customize “natural” ventilation beyond just winodow openings: