Ladybug not working from rhino inside revit

When i try to add the genpts node to my script when runing grasshopper in rhino inside revit i get this error:

  1. Solution exception:
    Failed to import ladybug:
    No module named ladybug_geometry.geometry3d.plane

If i start rhino alone and run grashopper, it works fine!


Hello, I have a similar issue with my Honeybee Energy component (sqlite3 not found).

There is a suggested solution in these two fora, you can check here:


But in my case no solution had worked.

Hi Okan_Turkcan

I tried the second solution and it worked for me, thank you very much :slight_smile:

Hi Falk, nice to hear! I’ve found an additional solution that worked for my by uninstalling a Revit plugin/add-on that was also working with Python and Ironpython, see my post here:

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